Smart Society: Paperless Office and Public Services Revolution in Bangladesh

:: A H M Masum Billah ::
প্রকাশ: ২ years ago

In an era where technology has become the cornerstone of progress, Bangladesh’s visionary government is steadfastly steering the nation towards a future defined by innovation and efficiency. With the ambitious goal of building a Smart Bangladesh by 2041, powered by Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the country is embracing a holistic approach that encompasses Smart Citizen, Smart Economy, Smart Government, and Smart Society. Among these dimensions, the pursuit of a paperless office and public services stands out as a testament to the government’s commitment to digital transformation.

The digital revolution in Bangladesh has been a journey of deliberate steps, each contributing to the grand vision of a digitally empowered nation. The electronic file management system (e-nothi) in government offices marks an initial stride towards a paperless office ecosystem. This system not only streamlined bureaucratic processes but also significantly reduced paperwork, leading to increased efficiency and transparency. Recognizing the need for continuous evolution, the government introduced the Digital Nothi System (D-nothi), taking the digital transformation to the next level. This advanced system not only maintains e-documents but also facilitates seamless communication between government entities, further enhancing collaboration and effectiveness.

Bangladesh’s success in realizing a paperless office and public services can be seen as a culmination of the nation’s journey towards becoming a Smart Nation. The government’s foresight, in tandem with its commitment to technological adoption, has positioned the country as a beacon of digital transformation. While Digital Bangladesh laid the groundwork, Smart Bangladesh envisions a future where technology is harnessed across all sectors to achieve unprecedented heights of efficiency, inclusivity, and sustainability.

As smartphone usage continues to soar in Bangladesh, the nation finds itself on the cusp of a paradigm shift. The rise of smartphone users is an evidence to the increasing accessibility of technology, and it aligns seamlessly with the Smart Citizen dimension. Smartphones empower citizens by placing a world of information, services, and opportunities at their fingertips. This digital inclusion is a key element of Bangladesh’s success in creating a paperless society, as citizens can now interact with government services and access vital information with great convenience.

The internet penetration of 12.61 crore users, as reported by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), is a clear indication of the nation’s readiness for smart transformation. The government’s emphasis on paperless office and public services resonates with a population that is increasingly digitally connected. The internet serves as the bridge that connects citizens with government initiatives, streamlining communication, fostering transparency, and enhancing citizen engagement.

The mobile phone revolution in Bangladesh, with a staggering 18.38 crore mobile phone customers, has been a driving force behind the nation’s journey towards Smart Society. Mobile phones are not only communication tools but also gateways to a world of possibilities. Integrating paperless office solutions has the potential to equalize access to information, services, and opportunities, transcending traditional geographical and socioeconomic constraints. This transformative influence is essential for Bangladesh’s achievement in effectively implementing paperless systems and extending their reach to all sectors of society. This inclusive approach not only represents advancement but also underscores the nation’s dedication to ensuring that the advantages of technological progress are equitably distributed among all citizens, regardless of their background or circumstances.

The integration of paperless office solutions, fostering equal access and transcending barriers, is vital for Bangladesh’s commitment to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. This commitment serves as a testament to the nation’s dedication to positive change and progress. As Bangladesh navigates its transformative journey, the resonating harmony between its objectives and the global sustainability agenda becomes increasingly evident. A pivotal dimension of this transformation lies in the seamless alignment of Bangladesh’s endeavors with SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production.

This environmental commitment is fortified by Bangladesh’s comprehensive legal framework and policies, which are designed to safeguard natural resources and champion planned development initiatives. One noteworthy measure taken is the halt on cutting trees from conserved and natural forest areas from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2030, a strategic decision aimed at preserving the nation’s rich biodiversity. Simultaneously, a focus on social forest trees permits sustainable resource management while supporting local communities.

The government’s unwavering dedication to restoring and conserving forest lands through the removal of illegal encroachments exemplifies its proactive stance in nurturing the environment. Notably, the management of tree resources in the Sundarbans – a unique and ecologically crucial region – has witnessed significant improvement. This collective effort has culminated in an enhanced tree cover, with 22.37 percent of the country’s total area now enveloped by trees. Looking forward, the government’s ambition aims to surpass this figure, targeting a tree cover exceeding 24 percent by 2025.

A tangible testament to these endeavors lies in the data derived from the 2019 National Forest Survey. This survey reveals that the total carbon stock within the Sundarbans ecosystem stands at a substantial 139 million tonnes. This value starkly contrasts with the 107 million tonnes recorded in the previous survey conducted in 2009. This notable increase in carbon stock underlines the efficacy of Bangladesh’s multifaceted strategies to enhance environmental sustainability and preserve vital ecosystems.

The implications of this shift extend far beyond the digitization of administrative processes. They encompass a profound commitment to minimizing the ecological footprint associated with paper production and waste generation. The considerable reduction in paper usage translates to decreased deforestation, a critical step in conserving biodiversity and combating climate change. Furthermore, the integration of digital solutions not only enhances efficiency but also underscores Bangladesh’s endeavor to forge a sustainable future, where technology coexists harmoniously with nature.

As the nation forges ahead, guided by its vision of a Smart Bangladesh by 2041, its dedication to responsible consumption and production remains steadfast. The journey is marked by a dynamic interplay of technological innovation, economic advancement, and environmental stewardship. The concerted efforts to embrace paperless systems reflect not only the nation’s preparedness for a digital future but also its unwavering commitment to a sustainable present.

Bangladesh’s remarkable journey towards a paperless office and public services is a testament to the government’s unwavering dedication to progress, innovation, and inclusivity. From the initial steps of digitalization to the establishment of sophisticated systems like the Digital Nothi System (D-nothi), the government has demonstrated its commitment to transforming the nation into a digitally empowered society. The convergence of smartphone proliferation, widespread internet connectivity, and a burgeoning mobile revolution has created the ideal environment for a digital transformation that aligns with the Smart Bangladesh vision. As the government continues to champion technological innovation and digital accessibility, Bangladesh stands poised to realize its grand vision of a Smart Society by 2041. This journey not only highlights the government’s successes but also serves as an inspiring example for nations around the world on how digitalization can truly transform societies and pave the way for a brighter future.

Writer: A H M Masum Billah, DPIO PID.

(PID Feature)