Ignorance is the main cause of human trafficking

:: Shah Jahan Kibria ::
প্রকাশ: ৯ মাস আগে

Human trafficking is one of the heinous crimes of modern civilization. We often hear about human trafficking, but we need to know about human trafficking. Every year many people are victims of human trafficking. We know through mass media and social media that thousands of people are being trafficked in the name of taking them abroad. The Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act, 2012 is in force in the country to prevent and suppress human trafficking. According to Section 3 of the Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2012, human trafficking means “the purchase, sale, collection or acceptance, deportation or transfer, transportation of any person inside or outside Bangladesh for the purpose of sexual exploitation or oppression or labor exploitation or any other exploitation or oppression. or detaining or harboring, intimidation or coercion of any person, deceiving any person or exploiting socio-economic or environmental or any other disadvantage, any means of obtaining the consent of a person who has control over him by means of money or any other advantage” shall be understood as trafficking in human beings. However, if a child is a victim of trafficking, it shall not be considered whether the means of committing the crime of human trafficking described above have been followed. . Therefore, the transfer of a child with or without the consent of the non-parent for any illegitimate purpose will be considered as human trafficking.

Human trafficking is a means by which people of all genders, ages, races and cultures are bought and sold for free labor and sex. Simply put, it is slavery. Those most at risk are women, children, adolescents, homeless individuals, immigrants, and children in foster care. Many times people do not realize that they are victims of human trafficking. In other cases, victims are unable to seek help or are afraid to seek help. On December 18, 2013, through a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, it was decided to observe July 30 every year as the World Anti- Human Trafficking Day around the world. The day aims to promote and protect the rights of victims of trafficking. Still, the rate of human trafficking is not decreasing every year.

This heinous crime cannot be committed by a single person alone. There is a group behind this crime. There are links between brokers in countries where human trafficking takes place. This crime is committed through group planning. Human trafficking in our country is done by season. Smugglers consider winter as the most suitable time for trafficking because the sea is calmer during this time, so they use small boats to smuggle people to different countries including Thailand, Malaysia. Bangladesh tops the list of international organizations in terms of human trafficking. And the main reason is unemployment. A large number of unemployed and poor people of the country think that if they go abroad, their fortunes will turn. With the belief that family prosperity will come, they risk their lives in illegal ways and migrate abroad. Traffickers capitalize on this belief and gain their interests. Similarly for women traffickers target divorcees, young widows, jobseekers from different areas. Many times the smugglers kidnap or trap love and smuggle them to the country and abroad. These people are victims of other crimes besides trafficking. Such as – fraud, forced physical and mental torture, forced sex, forced labour, ransom, drug trafficking, etc. Many crimes are organized together through human trafficking.

Our daily lives are now transformed into digital platforms. The crime of human trafficking has conquered cyberspace. The Internet and digital platforms provide numerous tools for traffickers to recruit, exploit, and control trafficked persons; arranges their transportation and accommodation; Advertise trafficked persons and reach out to potential clients; Deeply secure communication between criminals and hiding criminal proceeds is helping them to do so quickly, cheaply and anonymously. Technology often helps human trafficking criminals operate internationally and avoid detection. Traffickers use social media to identify male and female victims, including children, to recruit their agents. E-mail and messaging and online platforms facilitate the luring of trafficked persons and advertising to potential agents to know about trafficked persons. In contrast, the government’s A2I provides digital support against human trafficking.

The use of technology to prevent human trafficking is also increasing day by day. Future success in eradicating human trafficking depends on how law enforcement agencies, the criminal justice system, and others use technology in their operations. Law enforcement agencies in the country and A2I work closely with the administration to identify victims through the hotline 999 used to combat human traffickers. Monitoring the movement of traffickers through advanced technology, monitoring the methods of trafficker networks, taking technological assistance in the investigation of trafficking cases; Government concerned authorities aim to enhance justice process through digital evidence to assist victims in criminal cases and provide support services to rescued survivors of trafficking.

Another reason for human trafficking is ignorance. Human trafficking must be stopped for the safety of women, men and children and for this the conscious sections of the society must build a strong social movement. Nationwide public awareness activities and social movements are very important to prevent trafficking. Meetings, gatherings, seminars, discussions and exchanges should be organized at the national and village levels to prevent human trafficking. Active participation of local government representatives, local leaders, teachers and religious leaders should be ensured. So that they can play an active role in creating awareness among the people in their respective areas. Awareness can be created by bringing the plight of returning trafficking victims to the grassroots in remote areas. Campaigning should be continued to create awareness by identifying the areas from which human trafficking is taking place. To reduce unemployment, youth and women should increase technical education and provide employment in their own country. Enhancing relations with developed countries by taking government diplomatic steps to export manpower. Besides, efforts to prevent human trafficking should be continued by increasing the number of coast guards and border guards in coastal and border areas. They have to provide necessary weapons and modern equipment. Sea border protection by adopting modern methods is the need of the hour. Round-the-clock movement of people can be monitored by watch-towers in border areas including Teknaf. Besides, surveillance should be increased by water, land and air routes.

Media can play an important role in creating public awareness to prevent human trafficking. Mass media can conduct regular public awareness programs and warning activities. For several years, the media has been promoting various programs on this issue. Films and dramas can play an active role in creating public awareness against human trafficking. Human trafficking is a most heinous business. By eradicating it, we can get rid of modern slavery.

(PID Feature)