Journalism is the place of original innovation: Moksedur Rahman Wali

:: Public Reaction Desk ::
প্রকাশ: ৪ মাস আগে

Mohammad Moksedur Rahman Wali made a comments, ‘Journalism is the place of original innovation’. In a interview he evaluated Journalism in this way. He spoke on various topics including his profession, journalism.  

Mohammad Moksedur Rahman Wali, a distinguished investigative journalist with 18 years of experience in television journalism, known as Chayon Rahman on television, has four national and international awards in his long professional life. Today we are talking about all this with him.

Public Reaction: Why did you choose investigative journalism in the field of television journalism?
Mohammad Moksedur Rahman Wali: Journalism is the place of original innovation but this investigative journalism, there will be challenges, various obstacles, but still conquering it uncovering the roots of crime through investigation- adds a hole of self-satisfaction as a journalist. I have done about five hundred investigative Reports in the whole 18 years of television journalism careers.

Public Reaction: How many national and international awards have you won in your entire career?
Mohammad Moksedur Rahman Wali: I have won a total of four national and international awards. My first award was the “Disaster Management Award 2009” given by the Ministry of Food and Disasters, this award was supported by three international organizations – UNDP, DFID & EU. Originally got this award…for reporting on the struggles of displaced people affected by disasters.

My second award is the UNICEF MEENA AWARD 2010. I received this award for my report on child sailors – five-six-year-old children who literally help their father earn money by sailing boats, this aspect was highlighted in my report and because of this, in 2010, I got the UNICEF MEENA AWARD 2010.

My third award was another national award and that is “Disaster Management Bureau Award 2011”. This award was supported by CDMP & Action Aid. The report was conducted to create awareness and response to disaster situations in the disaster-prone coastal areas of Bangladesh.

My fourth award is “UNESCO BANGLADESH JOURNALISM AWARDS 2012”. I got that award for the four-part series of reports on the violence and criminal activity of river squatters in Bangladesh.

Public Reaction: Many people say that the salary of journalism is very low – but you get the highest salary compared to your experienced peers – is this also an example for young journalists? What do you say?
Mohammad Moksedur Rahman Wali: Look… say highest salary and honor, but it is a career built through 18 years of honesty, dedication, hard work – Reporter, Senior Reporter, Special Reporter, Chief Reporter, In-charge, Assignment Editor, Chief News Editor and now Head of News duty – Presenting more than five hundred episodes of at least ten shows – Besides all the investigative reporting, two of the shows I presented became hugely popular. All this has helped in getting the highest salary along with holding various top posts.